Wellcome to National Portal
মেনু নির্বাচন করুন
Main Comtent Skiped

Future plan
  • To aim at digitizing each educational institution-
    • Establishment and implementation of digital presence
    • Provide laptops to all teachers and students to tab
    • Provide broadband connections and place wifi hubs
    • Placing multimedia projectors in every classroom
    • Ensure that all teachers are included in the school board and upload regular content.
    • Ensure registration of all teachers in the open market.
    • Dynamic website construction
  • Increase physical infrastructure facilities of every educational institution
    • Enhanced class room arrangements
    • Set up separate toilets for boys
    • Common room for girls
    • Set up separate libraries
    • Establish rich scientists
    • Ensure safe drinking water supply
    • Boundary wall construction, monogram with gate
  • Establishment of UITRCE in every upazila
  • Training related
    • Providing training, follow-up training, refresher training for all teachers based on experience, expertise and expertise.
    • Training and regular practice of all teachers and students of the organization to face sudden disaster (earthquake, flood, fire).
    • Ensuring all students learning to swim.
    • Training for improving efficiency of all education officials, arrangement of refreshers training, and provision of refreshers training.
    • Provide training to all officers, teachers, students for increasing computer skills.
  • To organize different clubs in the institution level and take necessary action
    • Language club, math club, science club
    • Debate Club
    • Religious Club
    • Girls Club
  • Formation of various committees and necessary action related to it
    • Early Marriage Situation Committee
    • Anti-terrorism and anti-militancy committee
  • Firmly integrate the integrity store in every institution
  • Regarding all projects implemented
    • Regular monitoring
  • Stretch activities
    • Regular supervision
    • Ensuring bank account of each student
  • Regarding academic development
    • Regular inspection of inspection and inspection reports to the concerned authorities.
    • Provide all organizations under e-monitoring.
    • Formulation of Upazila based questionbank and ensuring allotment of questionbank to all organizations.
    • Ensure the implementation of annual development program of each organization and implementation of Panchayat Development Plan.
  • Strengthen co-curricular activities
    • Organized various sports and cultural tournaments.
    • Ensuring the activities of Scout and Girl Guides
    • Mother and guardian's day organized.
  • Development activities received by district and upazila education offices
    • Laptop for every officer
    • Broadband interconnection
    • Installing wifi hub
    • Organizing regular coordination meetings
      • Upazila offices are all about the organization
      • District concerned all the upazila offices
  • Organizing education fair, instrument fair at district and upazila level